Aglaonema Anyamanee for sale 11
Aglaonema Butterfly for sale 11
Aglaonema Heng Heng for sale 11
Aglaonema AL1 for sale 11
Aglaonema AL2 for sale 11
Aglaonema Siam Aurora for sale 11
Aglaonema Valentine for sale 11
Aglaonema White Diamond for sale 11
Monstera AL1 8
Philodendron AL1 12
Araceae AL2 12
Philodendron Black Cardinal 8
Philodendron melinonii 8
Philodendron Moonlight 8
Philodendron Red Congo 10
Philodendron melanochrysum 8
Philodendron scotte 10
Philodendron squamiferum variegata 15
Philodendron squamiferum 0
Philodendron ornatum 0
Philodendron mm 17 0
Philodendron mm 16 0
Philodendron mm 15 0
Philodendron mm 14 0
Philodendron red Congo 0
Philodendron mm 13 0
Philodendron mm 12 0
Philodendron mm 11 0
Philodendron spathiphyllum mm1 0
Philodendron mm 10 0
Philodendron mm 9 0
Philodendron White Knight 0
Philodendron mm 8 0
Philodendron mm 7 0
Philodendron mm 6 0
Philodendron Peak Nok 0
Philodendron mm 5 0
Philodendron mm 4 0
Philodendron mm 3 0
Philodendron mm 2 0
Philodendron mm 1 0
Bromeliad Aechmea Black on Black 10
Bromeliad Aechmea brevicollis 10
Bromeliad Aechmea chantinii 10
Bromeliad Aechmea hynrid AL1 10
Bromeliad Aechmea orlandiana Pink 15
Bromeliad Alcantarea imperialis 10
Bromeliad Billbergia hybrid Al 1 7
Bromeliad Billbergia hybrid Al 2 3
Bromeliad Billbergia Pineline 10
Bromeliad Billbergia Sangre 4
Bromeliad Cryptanthus cv, Pink Starlite 3
Bromeliad Cryptanthus cv, Red Ruby 3
Bromeliad Cryptanthus fosterianus 7
Bromeliad Cryptanthus fosterianus cv. Elaine 10
Bromeliad Guzmania hybrid AL1 5
Bromeliad Neoregelia pendula variegata 10
Bromeliad Neoregelia Annick 8
Bromeliad Neoregelia cv. Fireball 3
Bromeliad Neoregelia cv. Super Fireball 3
Bromeliad Neoregelia Donger 3
Bromeliad Neoregelia Gespacho 10
Bromeliad Neoregelia Grace 10
Bromeliad Neoregelia Garnish 10
Bromeliad Neoregelia hybrid Al10 8
Bromeliad Neoregelia hybrid Al11 3
Bromeliad Neoregelia hybrid Al12 10
Bromeliad Neoregelia hybrid Al1 4
Bromeliad Neoregelia hybrid Al3 10
Bromeliad Neoregelia hybrid Al4 10
Bromeliad Neoregelia hybrid Al5 4
Bromeliad Neoregelia hybrid Al6 8
Bromeliad Neoregelia hybrid Al7 3
Bromeliad Neoregelia hybrid purple Al9 4
Bromeliad Neoregelia Maya 10
Bromeliad Neoregelia Sheba 8
Bromeliad Neoregelia Zoe 3
Bromeliad Neoregelia Zonata 3
Bromeliad Neoregelia Chigula Linda 3
Bromeliad Neoregelia Dartania 5
Bromeliad Neoregelia Gold Fever 10
Bromeliad Neoregelia Orange Flush 10
Bromeliad Neoregelia Pink Throat 4
Bromeliad Vriesea hieroglyphica 8
Dischidia cleisthanta not rooted cutting : 3
Dischidia hirsuta not rooted cutting : 3
Dischidia ionantha not rooted cutting : 3
Dischidia ionantha variegata not rooted cutting : 3
Dischidia Million Hearts variegata rooted in moss 5
Dischidia nummularia not rooted cutting : 5
Dischidia nummularioides rooted in moss 5
Dischidia nummularioides variegata rooted in moss 5
Dischidia obovata not rooted cutting : 7
Dischidia ovata not rooted cutting : 3
Dischidia ovata rooted in moss : 3
Dischidia ovata broad leaf not rooted cutting : 3
Dischidia pectinoides rooted in moss 3
Dischidia rafflesiana not rooted cutting : 9
Dischidia ruscifolia not rooted cutting : 3
Dischidia ruscifolia large leaf not rooted cutting : 3
Dischidia singularis not rooted cutting : 3
Dischidia sp1 not rooted cutting : 5
Dischidia sp2 ( cleistantha x pectinoides ) not rooted cutting : 7
Dischidia sp3 not rooted cutting : 5
Dischidia sp4 not rooted cutting : 10
Fern sp Ale1 dwarf 13
Fern : Asplenium nidus 6
Fern : Asplenium thunbergii 10
Fern : Bolbitis heteroclita 10
Fern : Davallia sp2 10
Fern : Davallia sp1 'dwarf 10
Fern : Microsorum diversifolium 10
Fern : Microsorum punctatum 15
Fern : Microsorum sp 1 10
Fern : Microsorum sp 2 10
Fern : Nephrolepis exaltata 1 8
Fern : Nephrolepis exaltata cv.Smithii 12
Fern : Nephrolepis biserrata ale1 12
Fern : Polypodium sp ale1 20
Fern : Pyrrosia longifolia var.crestata 12
Fern : Drynaria sp1'dwarf' 10
Fern : Vittaria Sikkimensis 12
Hoya acicularis not rooted cutting :
Hoya acuta not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya affinis not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya alagensis not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya aldrichii iml 1418 not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya ALE 2 sp not rooted cutting : 8
Hoya ALE 5 sp not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya ALE 6 sp not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya ambon sp cutting : 5
Hoya andalensis not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya anulata not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya archboldiana pink not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya archboldiana white not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya ariadna not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya australis not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya australis hybrid not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya australis margin not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya australis oval leaf not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya australis rupicola not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya australis sanae not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya australis variegata not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya Ban Bang Pla III not rooted cutting 7
Hoya balaensis not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya bella not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya bella margin variegated not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya bella variegata not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya benguetensis not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya benvergarai not rooted cutting 7
Hoya Bent cv. not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya bicolor not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya biakensis not rooted cutting : 8
Hoya bicknellii not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya blashernaezii not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya Borneo Red 93027 not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya brevialata not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya buotii not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya buotii Sunriser not rooted cutting : 8
Hoya burtoniae not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya buthanica not rooted cutting : 6
Hoya cagayanensis not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya callistophylla long leaves not rooted cutting : 8
Hoya callistophylla short leaves ( sp Kalimantan ) not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya calycina not rooted cutting : 8
Hoya carmelae not rooted cutting : 10
Hoya campanulata not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya camphorifolia not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya carnosa compacta "Indian rope" not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya carnosa compacta variegata not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya cardiophylla not rooted cutting : 0
Hoya carnosa compacta margin variegata not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya carnosa crimson not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya carnosa margin variegata not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya carnosa margin variegata II not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya carnosa pink not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya carnosa red not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya carnosa Snow Ball not rooted cutting 5
Hoya carnosa Snow Ball margin var. not rooted cutting 5
Hoya carnosa Snow Ball margin var. dark pink not rooted cutting 5
Hoya carnosa Snow Ball margin var. light pink not rooted cutting 5
Hoya carnosa variegata not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya carnosa white not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya caudata not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya caudata green leaves not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya caudata Sumatra not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya cembra not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya Chieng Mai sp not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya chinghungensis not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya chlorantha not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya chlorantha var. tutuilensis not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya Chouke cv. not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya chunii not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya ciliata not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya cinnamomifolia not rooted cutting : 15
Hoya cinnamomifolia var. purpureofusca cutting : 10
Hoya clandestina aff. not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya commisii not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya coriacea not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya coronaria pink not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya coronaria white not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya cumingiana pink not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya curtisii not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya cystiantha not rooted cutting : 8
Hoya danumensis not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya darwinii not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya darwinii dark flowers not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya dasyantha not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya davidcummingii not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya dennisii not rooted cutting : 6
Hoya densifolia not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya densifolia dark form not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya deykei not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya deykei spotted leaves not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya dickasoniana not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya dimorpha not rooted cutting 8
Hoya diptera not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya diptera spotted leaves not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya diversifolia not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya Doitung sp not rooted cutting : 10
Hoya dolichosparte cv not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya dolichosparte II cv not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya elliptica not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya elliptica philippines not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya endauensis not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya engleriana Vietnam not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya eriostemma png sv light green flower not rooted cutting. 7
Hoya erythrina not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya erythrina long leaf not rooted cutting 7
Hoya erythrostemma pink not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya erythrostemma hat sompan not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya erythrostemma sukhirin narathiwat not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya erythrostemma ut048 white not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya erythrostemma white not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya erythrostemma iml 1425 sp. aff. not rooted cutting : 8
Hoya excavata not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya Estrella waterfall iml 1256 not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya filiformis not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya finlaysonii not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya finlaysonii ll not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya finlaysonii lll not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya finlaysonii lV not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya finlaysonii V not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya finlaysonii VI not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya finlaysonii VII not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya finlaysonii VIII not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya finlaysonii IX not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya finlaysonii X not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya fitchii not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya fitchii yellow flower not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya flagellata not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya flagellata aff not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya flagellata aff II not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya flavescens not rooted cutting : 0
Hoya flavida not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya flores island UT039 not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya forbesii not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya fraterna not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya freaklea not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya fungii not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya fusco marginata not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya gigantanganensis not rooted cutting : ( benitotanii ) 6
Hoya glabra not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya glabra II not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya globulifera not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya globulosa not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya golamcoiana not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya golden eye not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya gps 7724 cutting : 5
Hoya gps 7240 cutting : 5
Hoya sp 7-35 cutting : 6
Hoya graveolens not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya graveolens long leaf not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya graveolens round leaf not rooted cutting : 0
Hoya greenii not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya griffithii not rooted cutting : 8
Hoya guppyi not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya halophila not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya hypolasia not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya heuschkeliana pink flowers not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya heuschkeliana yellow flowers not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya rostellata not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya rostellata aff. big leaves not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya ilagiorum not rooted cutting : 8
Hoya imbricata not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya imperialis alba not rooted cutting : 8
Hoya imperialis Palawan not rooted cutting : 8
Hoya imperialis pink not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya imperialis red not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya imperialis white not rooted cutting : 9
Hoya incrassata not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya incrassata margin variegata not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya incrassata variegata not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya incurvula not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya IR26 sp not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya ischnopus not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya jennifer cv not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya juannguoiana not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya cv Kali batu Putih not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya kanyakumariana not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya kastbergii not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya kenejiana not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya kenejiana red corona not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya kentiana not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya kentiana mini not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya kenejiana variegata not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya kerrii not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya kerrii variegata not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya kerrii margin variegata not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya kerrii spotted leaves not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya khao laem sp non rooted cutting . 6
Hoya khao leng sp non rooted cutting . 7
Hoya kho reses sunda indonesia sp non rooted cutting . 5
Hoya lacunosa not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya lacunosa Eskimo not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya lacunosa " Heart Shaped " not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya lacunosa Long leaves not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya lacunosa x obscura not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya lacunosa sp. cf not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya lacunosa IML 1648 ( poonsak ) not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya lasiantha not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya lambii not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya lambii II not rooted cutting : 15
Hoya lanceolata not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya latifolia spotted leaves not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya perakensis Lata Iskandar sp not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya latifolia not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya lauterbachii not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya leucorhoda not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya leytensis not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya limoniaca not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya litoralis not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya lobbii pink flower not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya lobbii orange flower iml 1524 not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya lobbii black flower not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya lobbii 3 strong pink flowers not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya lobbii 4 black pink flowers not rooted cutting : 0
Hoya loherri not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya longifolia pubescens not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya loyceandrewsiana not rooted cutting : 0
Hoya lucardenasiana not rooted cutting : 6
Hoya Ly Burma , rotundiflora not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya macrophylla not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya macgillivrayii not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya magnifica not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya manipurensis not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya cv "Mathilde" not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya macrophylla variegata not rooted cutting : 10
Hoya macrophylla white margins not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya macrophylla white margins not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya mappigera Borneo not rooted cutting : 20
Hoya mappigera Peninsula not rooted cutting : 20
Hoya maxima red corona not rooted cutting : 0
Hoya maxima yellow corona not rooted cutting : 0
Hoya megalaster not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya megalantha not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya meliflua aff. fraterna not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya meliflua aff. meliflua not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya memoria ( gracilis ) non rooted cutting. 3
Hoya meredithii non rooted cutting. 9
Hoya merillii non rooted cutting. 5
Hoya merillii aff. red leaves non rooted cutting. 5
Hoya sp. miari ( pink flower ) not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya micrantha not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya microstemma not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya mindorensis not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya minibelle not rooted cutting 3
Hoya mindorensis pink not rooted cutting 7
Hoya mindorensis ut042 not rooted cutting 7
Hoya mindorensis pg12 not rooted cutting 9
Hoya mindorensis Purple Star not rooted cutting 9
Hoya mindorensis Red Star not rooted cutting 9
Hoya mindorensis yellow not rooted cutting 5
Hoya mindorensis lite yellow not rooted cutting 7
Hoya mitrata not rooted cutting 5
Hoya mitrata big flower not rooted cutting 7
Hoya montana not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya monetteae not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya multiflora Javanica (Thai variegata) not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya multiflora Javanica ( Philippines white margins ) not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya multiflora Philippines not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya myrmecopa not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya nabawanensis not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya Namtok Bangpla sp not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya naumannii not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya Noelle cv. not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya neo-ebudica not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya nicholsoniae not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya nummularioides not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya oblongata not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya obovata not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya obscura not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya obtusifolia not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya obtusifolioides not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya odetteae not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya odorata not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya onychoides l not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya onychoides ll (Venus ) not rooted cutting : 0
Hoya optmistic not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya ovalifolia aff. not rooted cutting. 7
Hoya padangensis not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya pahang not rooted cutting : 8
Hoya parasitica Lao A not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya parasitica Lao B not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya pallilimba not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya panchoi IML 0249 not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya pandurata not rooted cutting : 8
Hoya pandurata red corona not rooted cutting : 9
Hoya parasitica not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya parasitica chang island not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya parasitica x pachyclada not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya parviflora not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya parviflora green leaves not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya parvifolia not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya patella pink not rooted cutting : 8
Hoya patella white flowers not rooted cutting : 8
Hoya pauciflora not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya paxtonii not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya paziae not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya Perak sp. not rooted cutting : 15
Hoya philippines sp. not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya Phu Wua sp. not rooted cutting : 8
Hoya picta not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya plicata sp. aff. not rooted cutting : 6
Hoya pottsii 0037 not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya pottsii iml 1391 not rooted cutting. 5
Hoya pottsii iml 489 not rooted cutting. 5
Hoya praetorii not rooted cutting : 9
Hoya pseudolittoralis not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya pubera not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya pubifera not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya pubicalyx Black dragon not rooted cutting : 10
Hoya pubicalyx Pink dragon not rooted cutting : 10
Hoya pubicalyx White dragon not rooted cutting : 10
Hoya pubicalyx not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya pubicalyx Royal Hawaian Purple ( red button ) not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya pubicalyx Splash not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya pubifera not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya purpurea not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya pusilla aff not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya Queson sp not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya quinquenervia not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya quinquenervia aff. ( Philippines ) not rooted cutting : 0
Hoya rebecca cv not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya retusa not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya revoluta not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya rigida not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya rintzii not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya rosita ( wayetii x tsangii ) ( DS 70 ) not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya rosarioae not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya RP 010 not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya rubida not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya rubida PNG 4 ( lamingtonia ) not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya ruthie cv not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya serpens not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya Sabah GPS-7950 sp. not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya samoensis not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya sariae red form not rooted cutting : 8
Hoya scortechinii ( white flower ) not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya shepherdii not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya sigillatis not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya sigillatis aff. ( Malaysia ) not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya sigillatis alas river not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya sipitangensis not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya scortechinii ( sp UT001 ) not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya soligamiana not rooted cutting : 8
Hoya sp 7-35 not rooted cutting : 8
Hoya Sulawesi sp not rooted cutting : 8
Hoya subcalva not rooted cutting : 6
Hoya subglabra not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya sunaise not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya sussuela not rooted cutting. 3
Hoya Sweet Scent sp not rooted cutting. 8
Hoya tawali ( PNG sv. 470 tawali ) 7
Hoya telesmoides not rooted cutting. 9
Hoya thomsonii not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya thomsonii long leaf not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya thomsonii silver splash not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya timor sp not rooted cutting. 5
Hoya tjadasmalangensis not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya tomataensis not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya tsangii not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya UT011 not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya UT223 not rooted cutting : 10
Hoya UT033 not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya UT049 not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya UT158 not rooted cutting : 8
Hoya UT168 not rooted cutting : 8
Hoya valmayoriana not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya vanuatuensis not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya verticillata not rooted cutting : 0
Hoya verticillata margin variegated not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya verticillata variegated not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya villosa not rooted cutting : 0
Hoya viola not rooted cutting : 3
Hoya vitellina not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya vitellinoides not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya wallichii not rooted cutting : 20
Hoya walliniana not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya waymaniae not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya wayetti not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya waymaniae long leaf not rooted cutting : 5
Hoya wibergiae not rooted cutting : 7
Hoya acuta small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya aff Sigillatis ( Malaysia ) small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya affinis small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya aff ovalifolia small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya aff plicata IML 15666 small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya alagensis small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya sp al 2 small, rooted in moss 9
Hoya sp al 5 small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya sp ambon small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya andalensis small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya anulata small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya archboldiana pink small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya archboldiana white small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya ariadna small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya australis small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya australis hybrid small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya australis margin variegata small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya australis oval leaf small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya australis rupicola small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya australis sanae small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya australis variegata small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya tawali ( PNG sv 470 tawali ) small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya balaensis small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya benguetensis small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya sp aff benguetensis Palawan small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya cv Bent small, rooted in moss 9
Hoya bicolor small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya biakensis small, rooted in moss 9
Hoya blashernaezii small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya valmayoriana small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya brevialata small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya buotii small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya cagayanensis small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya callistophylla long leaves small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya callistophylla short leaves small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya campanulata small, rooted in moss 9
Hoya camphorifolia small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya carnosa compacta "Indan rope" small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya carnosa compacta varieg small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya cardiophylla small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya carnosa compacta margin varieg small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya carnosa crimson small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya carnosa margin variegata small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya carnosa margin variegata II small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya carnosa pink small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya carnosa red small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya carnosa Snow Ball small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya carnosa Snow Ball margin var small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya carnosa Snow Ball margin var. dark pink not rooted small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya carnosa Snow Ball margin var light pink 6
Hoya carnosa variegata small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya carnosa white small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya caudata small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya caudata Sumatra small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya Chieng Mai sp small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya chinghungensis small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya chlorantha small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya chlorantha var tutuilensis small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya cv Chouke small, rooted in moss 7
Hoya chunii small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya ciliata small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya collina small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya commisii small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya coriacea small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya coronaria pink small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya coronaria white small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya cumingiana pink small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya curtisii small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya cystiantha small, rooted in moss 9
Hoya danumensis small, rooted in moss 9
Hoya darwinii small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya dasyantha small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya davidcummingii small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya dennisii small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya densifolia small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya densifolia dark form small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya deykei small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya dickasoniana small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya dimorpha small, rooted in moss 9
Hoya diptera small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya diptera spotted leaves small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya diversifolia small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya dolichosparte small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya elliptica small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya elliptica spot leaves small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya elliptica philippines small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya endauensis small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya engleriana Vietnam small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya eriostemma png sv light green flower small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya erythrina small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya erythrina long leaf small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya erythrostemma pink small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya erythrostemma sukhirin narathiwat small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya erythrostemma ut048 small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya erythrostemma white small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya excavata small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya filiformis small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya finlaysonii small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya finlaysonii IX small, rooted in moss 9
Hoya finlaysonii ll small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya finlaysonii lll small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya finlaysonii lV small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya finlaysonii V small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya finlaysonii VI small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya finlaysonii VIII small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya finlaysonii VII small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya fitchii small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya flagellata small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya flavescens small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya flavida small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya flores island UT039 small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya forbesii small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya fraterna small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya freaklea small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya fungii small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya fusco marginata small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya gigantanganensis small, rooted in moss( benitotanii ) 7
Hoya glabra small, rooted in moss 7
Hoya glabra II small, rooted in moss 10
Hoya globulifera small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya globulosa small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya golamcoiana small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya gps 7240 small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya graveolens small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya graveolens long leaf small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya graveolens round leaf small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya greenii small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya griffithii small, rooted in moss 10
Hoya guppyi small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya halophila small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya hypolasia small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya heuschkeliana pink small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya heuschkeliana yellow small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya hummingbird small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya hummingbird aff. big leaves small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya ignorata small, rooted in moss 15
Hoya timor sp not rooted small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya imbricata small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya imperialis pink small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya imperialis red small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya imperialis white small, rooted in moss 10
Hoya incrassata small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya incrassata margin variegata small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya incrassata variegata small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya incurvula small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya IR26 sp small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya ischnopus small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya jennifer cv small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya joy cv small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya kanyakumariana small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya kastbergii small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya kenejiana small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya kenejiana red corona small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya kentiana small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya kentiana mini small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya kenejiana variegata small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya kho reses sunda indonesia sp small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya lacunosa small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya lacunosa Eskimo small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya lacunosa Splash small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya lacunosa "Heart Shaped" syn krohniana small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya lacunosa Long leaves small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya lacunosa x obscura small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya lacunosa sp cf small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya lanceolata small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya lacunosa IML 1648 ( poonsak ) small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya latifolia small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya lauterbachii small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya leucorhoda small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya leytensis small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya litoralis small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya lobbii pink small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya lobbii 2 black flowers small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya lobbii black small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya lobbii 3 strong pink flowers small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya lobbii 4 black pink flowers small, rooted in moss 7
Hoya loherri small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya longifolia pubescens small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya loyceandrewsiana small, rooted in moss 10
Hoya lucardenasiana small, rooted in moss 10
Hoya ly Burma ( rectangle leaf, rotundiflora ) small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya macrophylla small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya macgillivrayii small, rooted in moss 10
Hoya magnifica small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya cv "Mathilde" small, rooted in moss 7
Hoya macrophylla variegata small, rooted in moss 16
Hoya macrophylla white margins small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya manipurensis small, rooted in moss 7
Hoya megalaster small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya megalantha small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya meliflua aff fraterna small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya meliflua aff meliflua small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya memoria ( gracilis ) small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya aff meredithii small, rooted in moss 10
Hoya merillii aff. small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya sp Miari ( pink flower ) small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya micrantha small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya microstemma small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya mindorensis small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya minibelle small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya mindorensis pink small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya mindorensis red small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya mindorensis yellow small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya montana small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya cv Monette small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya monetteae small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya multiflora Javanica ( Philippines white margins ) white small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya multiflora Thai variegata small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya multiflora Philippines small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya myrmecopa small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya nabawanensis small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya naumannii small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya cv Nelinae small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya neo-ebudica small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya nicholsoniae small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya cv Noelle small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya nummularioides small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya oblongata small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya obovata small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya obscura small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya obtusifolia small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya obtusifolioides small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya odetteae small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya odorata small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya onychoides I small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya onychoides (Venus ) small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya optimistic small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya padangensis small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya parasitica Lao A small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya parasitica Lao B small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya pallilimba small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya panchoi IML 0249 small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya parasitica small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya parasitica chang island small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya parasitica x pachyclada small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya parviflora small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya parviflora green leaves small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya parvifolia small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya patella small, rooted in moss 13
Hoya pauciflora small, rooted in moss 9
Hoya paxtonii small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya paziae small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya philippines sp small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya picta small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya pola small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya pottsii 0037 small, rooted in moss 9
Hoya pseudolittoralis small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya pubicalyx small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya pubicalyx Royal Hawaian Purple ( red button ) small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya pubicalyx Splash small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya pubifera small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya purpurea small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya pusilla aff small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya quinquenervia small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya rebecca small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya retusa small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya revoluta small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya rigida small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya rintzii rooted in moss 8
Hoya rosita ( wayetiixtsangii, DS 70 ) small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya rosarioae small, rooted in moss 7
Hoya rubida small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya rubida PNG 4 ( lamingtonia ) small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya ruthie small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya sp Sabah GPS-7950 small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya sp 7.35 small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya samoensis small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya scortechinii ( white flower ) small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya serpens small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya shepherdii small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya sigillatis small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya sigillatis alas river small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya sipitangensis small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya scortechinii ( sp UT001 ) small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya Sulawesi sp small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya subglabra small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya sunaise small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya sussuela small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya Sweet Scent small, rooted in moss 9
Hoya thomsonii small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya thomsonii long leaf small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya thomsonii silver splash small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya tjadasmalangensis small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya tomataensis small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya tsangii small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya UT011 small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya valmayoriana small, rooted in moss 9
Hoya vanuatuensis small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya verticillata small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya verticillata margin varieg small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya verticillata varieg small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya villosa small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya viola small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya vitellina small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya vitellinoides small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya walliniana small, rooted in moss 8
Hoya waymaniae small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya wayetti small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya waymaniae long leaf small, rooted in moss 6
Hoya acicularis rooted plant 10
Hoya aff. Sigillatis ( Malaysia ) rooted plant 12
Hoya affiinis rooted plant 10
Hoya aldrichii rooted plant 15
Hoya ALE 2 rooted plant 10
Hoya ambon rooted plant 5
Hoya andalensis . rooted plant 10
Hoya anulata rooted plant 8
Hoya archboldiana pink rooted plant 10
Hoya archboldiana white rooted plant 0
Hoya ariadna rooted plant 10
Hoya australis rooted plant 9
Hoya australis hybrid rooted plant 10
Hoya australis margin variegata rooted plant 10
Hoya australis oval leaf rooted plant 10
Hoya australis rupicola rooted plant 10
Hoya australis sanae rooted plant 10
Hoya australis variegata rooted plant 10
Hoya baikensis rooted plant 12
Hoya balensis rooted plant 15
Hoya bella rooted plant 9
Hoya bella sp. aff. engleriana "Vietnam" rooted plant 10
Hoya bella margin variegated rooted plant 13
Hoya benguetensis rooted plant 9
Hoya bella variegata rooted plant 15
Hoya buthanica rooted plant 10
Hoya bicolor rooted plant 5
Hoya bicknelli rooted plant 15
Hoya blashernaezii rooted plant 10
Hoya brevialata rooted plant 8
Hoya buotii rooted plant 10
Hoya Borneo Red 93027 rooted plant 12
Hoya cagayanensis rooted plant 8
Hoya callistophylla rooted plant 10
Hoya calycina rooted plant 11
Hoya camphorifolia rooted plant 9
Hoya campanulata rooted plant 18
Hoya carnosa compacta "Indian Rope" rooted plant 10
Hoya carnosa compacta variegata rooted plant 13
Hoya carnosa compacta margin variegata rooted plant 10
Hoya carnosa crimson rooted plant 9
Hoya carnosa margin variegata rooted plant 10
Hoya carnosa margin variegata II rooted plant 10
Hoya carnosa pink rooted plant 5
Hoya carnosa red rooted plant 5
Hoya carnosa Snow Ball rooted plant 10
Hoya carnosa Snow Ball margin var. rooted plant 10
Hoya carnosa variegata rooted plant 10
Hoya carnosa white rooted plant 5
Hoya caudata Sumatra rooted plant 10
Hoya caudata green leaves rooted plant 10
Hoya chinghungensis rooted plant 10
Hoya chlorantha var. tutuilensis rooted plant 10
Hoya chlorantha rooted plant 10
Hoya Chouke cv. rooted plant 5
Hoya chunii rooted plant 10
Hoya ciliata rooted plant 11
Hoya cinnamomifolia rooted plant 25
Hoya cinnamomifolia var. purpureofusca rooted plant 15
Hoya clandestina aff. rooted plant 14
Hoya collina rooted plant 10
Hoya cominisii rooted plant 10
Hoya coriacea rooted plant 10
Hoya coronaria pink rooted plant 10
Hoya coronaria white rooted plant 10
Hoya cumingiana pink rooted plant 5
Hoya curtisii rooted plant 5
Hoya cystiantha rooted plant 12
Hoya danumensis rooted plant 12
Hoya darwinii rooted plant 10
Hoya darwinii dark flowers rooted plant 15
Hoya dasyantha rooted plant 9
Hoya davidcummingii rooted plant 5
Hoya dennisii rooted plant 10
Hoya densifolia rooted plant 5
Hoya densifolia dark form rooted plant 5
Hoya deykei rooted plant 9
Hoya dimorpha rooted plant 13
Hoya diptera rooted plant 5
Hoya diptera spotted leaf rooted plant 0
Hoya diversifolia rooted plant 9
Hoya dolichosparte rooted plant 10
Hoya dolichosparte II rooted plant 12
Hoya elliptica rooted plant 10
Hoya elliptica Philippines rooted plant 10
Hoya endauensis rooted plant 10
Hoya engleriana Vietnam rooted plant 10
Hoya eriostemma PNG sv 431 rooted plant 10
Hoya erythrina rooted plant 10
Hoya erythrina long leaf rooted plant 13
Hoya erythrostemma pink rooted plant 9
Hoya erythrostemma hat sompan rooted plant 15
Hoya erythrostemma sukhirin narathiwat rooted plant 10
Hoya erythrostemma ut048 rooted plant 12
Hoya erythrostemma white rooted plant 10
Hoya erythrostemma iml 1425 sp. aff. 20
Hoya excavata rooted plant 9
Hoya finlaysonii rooted plant 10
Hoya finlaysonii ll rooted plant 10
Hoya finlaysonii llI rooted plant 12
Hoya finlaysonii IV rooted plant 15
Hoya finlaysonii V rooted plant 10
Hoya finlaysonii VI rooted plant 12
Hoya finlaysonii VII rooted plant 10
Hoya finlaysonii VIII rooted plant 12
Hoya finlaysonii IX rooted plant 12
Hoya finlaysonii X rooted plant 15
Hoya fitchii rooted plant 12
Hoya fitchii yellow flower rooted plant 15
Hoya flagellata aff. rooted plant 15
Hoya flagellata aff. II rooted plant 15
Hoya flavescens rooted plant 10
Hoya flavida rooted plant 10
Hoya flores island ut039 sp rooted plant 12
Hoya forbesii rooted plant 12
Hoya meliflua ssp fraterna rooted plant 10
Hoya fungii rooted plant 9
Hoya fusco marginata rooted plant 12
Hoya gigantanganensis ( benitotanii ) rooted plant 12
Hoya gigas rooted plant 15
Hoya glabra rooted plant 10
Hoya globulifera rooted plant 10
Hoya globulosa rooted plant 15
Hoya golamcoiana rooted plant 10
Hoya Golden Eye cv. rooted plant 15
Hoya gps 7240 rooted plant 15
Hoya gps 7724 rooted plant 10
Hoya gracilis rooted plant 5
Hoya graveolens rooted plant 10
Hoya graveolens long leaf rooted plant 12
Hoya graveolens round leaf rooted plant 0
Hoya greenii rooted plant 0
Hoya griffithii rooted plant 15
Hoya halophila rooted plant 10
Hoya juannguoiana rooted plant 15
Hoya heuscheliana pink flowers rooted plant 5
Hoya heuscheliana red flowers rooted plant 10
Hoya heuscheliana yellow flowers rooted plant 5
Hoya heuschummingbird sp. flowers rooted plant 15
Hoya heuschummingbird aff. sp. big leaves flowers rooted plant 15
Hoya hypolasia rooted plant 10
Hoya ignorata rooted plant 25
Hoya ilagiorum rooted plant 20
Hoya imbricata rooted plant 10
Hoya imperialis Palawan rooted plant 10
Hoya imperialis pink rooted plant 10
Hoya imperialis red rooted plant 10
Hoya imperialis white rooted plant 12
Hoya incrassata rooted plant 8
Hoya incrassata margin variegata rooted plant 10
Hoya incrassata variegata rooted plant 10
Hoya incurvula rooted plant 5
Hoya IR 26 sp rooted plant 12
Hoya ischnopus rooted plant 12
Hoya jennifer sp rooted plant 11
Hoya joy sp rooted plant 10
Hoya juannguoiana rooted plant 12
Hoya cv Kali batu Putih sp rooted plant 15
Hoya kanyakumariana rooted plant 10
Hoya kastbergii rooted plant 10
Hoya kenejiana rooted plant 10
Hoya kentiana rooted plant 8
Hoya kenejiana variegata rooted plant 12
Hoya kerrii rooted plant 8
Hoya kerrii variagata rooted plant 5
Hoya kerrii albomarginata rooted plant 8
Hoya kerrii spotted leaf rooted plant 10
Hoya kho reses sunda indonesia sp rooted plant 12
Hoya lacunosa rooted plant 9
Hoya lacunosa eskimo rooted plant 5
Hoya lacunosa splash leaves rooted plant 8
Hoya lacunosa " Heart Shaped " syn krohniana rooted plant 5
Hoya lacunosa Poonsak rooted plant 5
Hoya lacunosa x obscura rooted plant 9
Hoya lacunosa long leaf rooted plant 10
Hoya lambii rooted plant 17
Hoya lanceolata rooted plant 10
Hoya lasiantha rooted plant 13
Hoya latifolia rooted plant 14
Hoya lauterbachii rooted plant 12
Hoya leucorhoda rooted plant 10
Hoya leucardenasiana rooted plant 15
Hoya leytensis rooted plant 10
Hoya litoralis rooted plant 5
Hoya lobbii black flowers rooted plant 10
Hoya lobbii dark pink flowers rooted plant 10
Hoya lobbii orange iml 1524 flowers rooted plant 12
Hoya lobbii pink flowers rooted plant 10
Hoya loherri rooted plant 5
Hoya longifolia pubescens rooted plant 10
Hoya ly Burma, rotundiflora rooted plant 9
Hoya macgillivrayii rooted plant 17
Hoya macrophylla rooted plant 10
Hoya macrophylla variegata 20
Hoya magnifica rooted plant 10
Hoya mappigera Borneo rooted plant 35
Hoya mappigera Peninsula rooted plant 35
Hoya "Mathilde" cv rooted plant 5
Hoya macrophylla white margins rooted plant 10
Hoya megalaster rooted plant 10
Hoya meliflua aff meliflua rooted plant 8
Hoya meliflua aff fraterna rooted plant 7
Hoya memoria rooted plant 10
Hoya meredithii rooted plant 17
Hoya merillii rooted plant 10
Hoya merillii aff red leaves rooted plant 10
Hoya micrantha rooted plant 10
Hoya microstemma rooted plant 8
Hoya mindorensis rooted plant 10
Hoya mindorensis pg12 rooted plant 20
Hoya mindorensis Purple Star rooted plant 20
Hoya mindorensis Red Star rooted plant 20
Hoya mindorensis ut 042 rooted plant 15
Hoya minibelle rooted plant 10
Hoya mindorensis pink rooted plant 10
Hoya mindorensis lite yellow rooted plant 20
Hoya mindorensis yellow rooted plant 12
Hoya mitrata rooted plant 9
Hoya mirabilis rooted plant 25
Hoya montana rooted plant 10
Hoya multiflora Thai ( variegata ) rooted plant 10
Hoya multiflora Philippines rooted plant 9
Hoya multiflora Thai rooted plant 10
Hoya multiflora Javanica Philippines white margins rooted plant 12
Hoya myrmecopa rooted plant 10
Hoya nabawanensis rooted plant 10
Hoya naumannii rooted plant 10
Hoya neo ebudica rooted plant 10
Hoya nicholsoniae rooted plant 10
Hoya nummularioides rooted plant 9
Hoya oblongata rooted plant 8
Hoya obovata rooted plant 9
Hoya obovata variegata rooted plant 25
Hoya obscura rooted plant 5
Hoya obtusifolia rooted plant 10
Hoya obtusifolioides rooted plant 11
Hoya odetteae rooted plant 5
Hoya odorata rooted plant 10
Hoya onychoides I rooted plant 10
Hoya onychoides II ( Venus ) rooted plant 10
Hoya optimistic rooted plant 11
Hoya ovalifolia spp aff rooted plant 10
Hoya padangensis rooted plant 10
Hoya pahang rooted plant 20
Hoya parasitica Lao A rooted plant 10
Hoya parasitica Lao B rooted plant 10
Hoya pallilimba rooted plant 10
Hoya panchoi IML 0249 rooted plant 5
Hoya pandurata rooted plant 18
Hoya pandurata red corona rooted plant 15
Hoya parasitica rooted plant 10
Hoya parasitica x pachyclada rooted plant 5
Hoya parviflora rooted plant 10
Hoya parviflora green leaves rooted plant 10
Hoya patella pink flowers rooted plant 15
Hoya patella white flowers rooted plant 20
Hoya pauciflora rooted plant 10
Hoya paxtonii rooted plant 12
Hoya paziae rooted plant 9
Hoya philippines sp. rooted plant 10
Hoya Perak sp. rooted plant 25
Hoya Phu Wua sp. rooted plant 15
Hoya picta rooted plant 9
Hoya plicata sp aff. rooted plant 6
Hoya pottsii 0037 rooted plant 13
Hoya pottsii 489 rooted plant 15
Hoya pottsii 1391 rooted plant 15
Hoya praetorii rooted plant 18
Hoya pseudolittoralis rooted plant 10
Hoya pubera rooted plant 5
Hoya pubicalyx rooted plant 5
Hoya pubifera rooted plant 10
Hoya pubicalyx Royal Hawaian Purple ( red button ) rooted plant 5
Hoya pubicalyx Black Dragon rooted plant 18
Hoya pubicalyx Pink Dragon rooted plant 18
Hoya pubicalyx White Dragon rooted plant 18
Hoya pubicalyx splash leaf rooted plant 10
Hoya pusilla aff rooted plant 10
Hoya Queson sp rooted plant 15
Hoya quinquenervia rooted plant 12
Hoya rebecca cv rooted plant 8
Hoya retusa rooted plant 11
Hoya revoluta rooted plant 10
Hoya rigida rooted plant 10
Hoya rintzii rooted plant 12
Hoya rosita ( wayetii x tsangii ) rooted plant 8
Hoya rosarioae rooted plant 10
Hoya rubida PNG4 rooted plant 10
Hoya ruthie cv rooted plant 10
Hoya sabah sp rooted plant 13
Hoya samoensis rooted plant 10
Hoya scortechnii white flower rooted plant 12
Hoya siariae red form rooted plant 20
Hoya serpens rooted plant 10
Hoya shepherdii rooted plant 10
Hoya sigillatis rooted plant 10
Hoya scortechnii ( sp UT001 ) rooted plant 10
Hoya soligamiana rooted plant 20
Hoya sp 7-35 rooted plant 15
Hoya Sulawesi sp. rooted plant 10
Hoya subcalva rooted plant 10
Hoya subglabra rooted plant 12
Hoya sunaise rooted plant 5
Hoya sussuela rooted plant 12
Hoya tawali rooted plant 10
Hoya thomsonii rooted plant 15
Hoya thomsonii long leaf rooted plant 10
Hoya thomsonii silver splash rooted plant 13
Hoya tjadasmalangensis rooted plant 13
Hoya tomataensis rooted plant 10
Hoya UT011 rooted plant 11
Hoya UT030 rooted plant 20
Hoya UT223 rooted plant 18
Hoya UT033 rooted plant 15
Hoya UT049 rooted plant 15
Hoya UT158 rooted plant 15
Hoya UT168 rooted plant 20
Hoya valmayoriana ex bordenii cf.rooted plant 10
Hoya vanuatuensis , vanuatu IML 0266 rooted plant 12
Hoya verticillata margin variegated rooted plant 10
Hoya verticillata variegata rooted plant 11
Hoya viola rooted plant 10
Hoya vitellina rooted plant 9
Hoya vitellinoides rooted plant 9
Hoya wallichii rooted plant 30
Hoya walliniana rooted plant 13
Hoya waymaniae rooted plant 10
Hoya wayetti rooted plant 5
Hoya waymaniae long leaf rooted plant 10
Hoya wibergiae rooted plant 15
Hoya acicularis XL plant
Hoya acuta XL plant
Hoya aff Sigillatis ( Malaysia ) XL plant
Hoya affinis XL plant
Hoya aff ovalifolia XL plant
Hoya aff plicata IML 15666 XL plant 32
Hoya alagensis XL plant
Hoya sp al 2 XL plant 32
Hoya sp al 5 XL plant
Hoya aldrichii XL plant 35
Hoya sp ambon XL plant
Hoya andalensis XL plant
Hoya anulata XL plant 32
Hoya archboldiana pink XL plant
Hoya archboldiana white XL plant
Hoya ariadna XL plant
Hoya australis XL plant 32
Hoya australis hybrid XL plant
Hoya australis margin variegata XL plant
Hoya australis oval leaf XL plant
Hoya australis rupicola XL plant
Hoya australis sanae XL plant
Hoya australis variegata XL plant
Hoya tawali ( PNG sv 470 tawali ) XL plant
Hoya balaensis XL plant
Hoya bella XL plant
Hoya bella margin variegated XL plant
Hoya benguetensis XL plant 32
Hoya sp aff benguetensis Palawan XL plant
Hoya cv Bent XL plant
Hoya bella variegata XL plant
Hoya bicolor XL plant
Hoya biakensis XL plant
Hoya blashernaezii XL plant 32
Hoya brevialata XL plant
Hoya buotii XL plant
Hoya burmanica XL plant
Hoya cagayanensis XL plant 32
Hoya callistophylla long leaves XL plant 42
Hoya callistophylla short leaves ( sp Kalimantan ) XL plant 42
Hoya campanulata XL plant
Hoya camphorifolia XL plant
Hoya carnosa compacta "Indan rope" XL plant 20
Hoya carnosa compacta varieg XL plant 30
Hoya cardiophylla XL plant
Hoya carnosa compacta margin varieg XL plant 30
Hoya carnosa crimson XL plant
Hoya carnosa margin variegata XL plant
Hoya carnosa margin variegata II XL plant
Hoya carnosa pink XL plant 28
Hoya carnosa red XL plant 28
Hoya carnosa Snow Ball XL plant
Hoya carnosa Snow Ball margin var XL plant
Hoya carnosa variegata XL plant
Hoya carnosa white XL plant 28
Hoya caudata XL plant 32
Hoya caudata Sumatra XL plant 38
Hoya Chieng Mai sp XL plant
Hoya chlorantha XL plant
Hoya chlorantha var tutuilensis XL plant 30
Hoya cv Chouke XL plant
Hoya chunii XL plant 30
Hoya ciliata XL plant 32
Hoya tjadasmalangensis XL plant
Hoya collina XL plant 28
Hoya commisii XL plant 32
Hoya coriacea XL plant
Hoya coronaria pink XL plant 32
Hoya coronaria white XL plant 32
Hoya cumingiana pink XL plant 28
Hoya curtisii XL plant
Hoya cystiantha XL plant 38
Hoya danumensis XL plant
Hoya darwinii XL plant 32
Hoya dasyantha XL plant 28
Hoya davidcummingii XL plant
Hoya dennisii XL plant
Hoya densifolia XL plant
Hoya densifolia dark form XL plant
Hoya deykei XL plant
Hoya dickasoniana XL plant
Hoya dimorpha XL plant
Hoya diptera XL plant 25
Hoya diptera spotted leaves XL plant 32
Hoya diversifolia XL plant 20
Hoya doithung cv XL plant
Hoya dolichosparte XL plant
Hoya elliptica XL plant 32
Hoya elliptica philippines XL plant 32
Hoya endauensis XL plant
Hoya engleriana Vietnam
Hoya eriostemma png sv 431 flower XL plant 28
Hoya eriostemma png sv light green flower XL plant 32
Hoya erythrina XL plant 32
Hoya erythrina long leaf XL plant 32
Hoya erythrostemma pink XL plant
Hoya erythrostemma hat sompant XL plant 38
Hoya erythrostemma sukhirin narathiwat XL plant 32
Hoya erythrostemma ut048 XL plant 32
Hoya erythrostemma white XL plant
Hoya erythrostemma iml 1425 XL plant 38
Hoya excavata XL plant
Hoya filiformis XL plant
Hoya finlaysonii XL plant 32
Hoya finlaysonii IX XL plant 32
Hoya finlaysonii ll XL plant 32
Hoya finlaysonii lll XL plant 32
Hoya finlaysonii lV XL plant 32
Hoya finlaysonii V XL plant 32
Hoya finlaysonii VI XL plant 36
Hoya finlaysonii VIII XL plant 38
Hoya finlaysonii VII XL plant 32
Hoya fitchii XL plant
Hoya fitchii yellow flower XL plant 35
Hoya flagellata aff. XL plant 40
Hoya flagellata aff.II XL plant 40
Hoya flavescens XL plant
Hoya flavida XL plant
Hoya flores island UT039 XL plant 32
Hoya forbesii XL plant 32
Hoya fraterna XL plant
Hoya freaklea XL plant
Hoya fungii XL plant 32
Hoya fusco marginata XL plant 32
Hoya gigantanganensis XL plant( benitotanii ) 32
Hoya glabra XL plant 32
Hoya gigas XL plant 35
Hoya glabra II XL plant
Hoya globulifera XL plant 32
Hoya globulosa XL plant
Hoya golamcoiana XL plant
Hoya Golden Eye cv. XL plant 35
Hoya gps 7240 XL plant
Hoya graveolens XL plant
Hoya graveolens long leaf XL plant
Hoya graveolens round leaf XL plant
Hoya greenii XL plant
Hoya griffithii XL plant 38
Hoya guppyi XL plant 32
Hoya halophila XL plant 25
Hoya heuschkeliana pink XL plant
Hoya heuschkeliana yellow XL plant 22
Hoya hummingbird XL plant
Hoya hummingbird aff. big leaves XL plant
Hoya hypolasia XL plant
Hoya ilagiorum XL plant 38
Hoya imbricata XL plant 32
Hoya timor sp XL plant
Hoya imperialis pink XL plant
Hoya imperialis red XL plant
Hoya imperialis white XL plant
Hoya incrassata XL plant 32
Hoya incrassata margin variegata XL plant 33
Hoya incrassata variegata XL plant 32
Hoya incurvula XL plant 22
Hoya IR26 sp XL plant 22
Hoya ischnopus XL plant
Hoya jennifer cv XL plant 32
Hoya juannguoiana XL plant 32
hoya sp. Kali Batu Putih 32
Hoya kanyakumariana XL plant
Hoya kastbergii XL plant 28
Hoya kenejiana XL plant 32
Hoya kenejiana red corona XL plant 35
Hoya kentiana XL plant
Hoya kentiana mini XL plant 22
Hoya kenejiana XL plant
Hoya kerrii XL plant
Hoya kerrii variegata XL plant
Hoya kerrii margin variegata XL plant
Hoya kerrii spotted leaves XL plant
Hoya kho reses sunda indonesia sp XL plant
Hoya lacunosa XL plant
Hoya lacunosa Eskimo XL plant 30
Hoya lacunosa "Heart Shaped" syn krohniana XL plant 22
Hoya lacunosa Long leaves XL plant 22
Hoya lacunosa x obscura XL plant
Hoya lanceolata XL plant
Hoya lacunosa IML 1648 ( poonsak ) XL plant 28
Hoya lacunosa Snow Cap XL plant 32
Hoya rintzii XL plant 36
Hoya latifolia XL plant 32
Hoya lauterbachii XL plant 32
Hoya leucorhoda XL plant
Hoya leytensis XL plant 20
Hoya litoralis XL plant 20
Hoya lobbii orange XL plant 32
Hoya lobbii pink XL plant
Hoya lobbii 2 black flowers XL plant 26
Hoya lobbii 3 strong pink flowers XL plant 26
Hoya lobbii 4 black pink flowers XL plant
Hoya loherri XL plant
Hoya longifolia pubescens XL plant
Hoya loyceandrewsiana XL plant 45
Hoya lucardenasiana XL plant
Hoya ly Burma ( rectangle leaf , rotundiflora ) XL plant 25
Hoya macrophylla XL plant
Hoya macgillivrayii XL plant 35
Hoya magnifica XL plant
Hoya cv "Mathilde" XL plant
Hoya macrophylla variegata XL plant
Hoya macrophylla white margins XL plant 34
Hoya megalaster XL plant
Hoya megalantha XL plant
Hoya meliflua aff fraterna XL plant
Hoya meliflua aff meliflua XL plant
Hoya memoria ( gracilis ) XL plant 22
Hoya meredithii XL plant 42
Hoya merillii aff. red leaf XL plant 32
Hoya merillii XL plant 32
Hoya sp Miari ( pink flower ) XL plant 32
Hoya micrantha XL plant 32
Hoya microstemma XL plant 32
Hoya mindorensis XL plant 32
Hoya minibelle XL plant 28
Hoya mindorensis pink XL plant 35
Hoya mindorensis lite yellow XL plant 36
Hoya mindorensis PG12 XL plant 40
Hoya mindorensis Purple Star XL plant 40
Hoya mindorensis Red Star XL plant 40
Hoya mindorensis ut 042 XL plant 36
Hoya mindorensis yellow XL plant 33
Hoya miari sp XL plant 32
Hoya mitrata XL plant 32
Hoya montana XL plant 32
Hoya cv Monette XL plant
Hoya monetteae XL plant 35
Hoya multiflora Javanica ( Philippines white margins ) white XL plant
Hoya multiflora Javanica Thai XL plant
Hoya multiflora Philippines XL plant
Hoya myrmecopa XL plant 28
Hoya nabawanensis XL plant
Hoya naumannii XL plant 32
Hoya cv Noelle XL plant 32
Hoya neo-ebudica XL plant 30
Hoya nicholsoniae XL plant 30
Hoya nummularioides XL plant
Hoya oblongata XL plant 28
Hoya obovata XL plant 32
Hoya obscura XL plant
Hoya obtusifolia XL plant
Hoya obtusifolioides XL plant 33
Hoya odetteae XL plant 22
Hoya odorata XL plant 25
Hoya onychoides I XL plant 35
Hoya onychoides (Venus ) XL plant
Hoya optimistic XL plant 32
Hoya padangensis XL plant
Hoya parasitica Lao A XL plant
Hoya parasitica Lao B XL plant
Hoya pallilimba XL plant
Hoya panchoi IML 0249 XL plant
Hoya pandurata XL plant
Hoya pandurata red corona XL plant
Hoya parasitica XL plant
Hoya parasitica chang island XL plant
Hoya parasitica x pachyclada XL plant 32
Hoya parviflora XL plant 30
Hoya parviflora green leaves XL plant 30
Hoya parvifolia XL plant
Hoya patella pink XL plant 38
Hoya patella white XL plant 38
Hoya paxtonii XL plant
Hoya paziae XL plant 28
Hoya Perak sp. XL plant 50
Hoya philippines sp XL plant 28
Hoya Phu Wua sp XL plant 40
Hoya picta XL plant 22
Hoya pottsii 489 XL plant 35
Hoya pottsii 1391 XL plant 35
Hoya praetorii XL plant
Hoya pseudolittoralis non rooted
Hoya pubicalyx XL plant 32
Hoya pubicalyx Royal Hawaian Purple ( red button ) XL plant
Hoya pubicalyx Splash XL plant 35
Hoya pubifera XL plant 22
Hoya purpurea XL plant
Hoya pusilla aff XL plant 25
Hoya quinquenervia XL plant 32
Hoya rebecca XL plant 32
Hoya retusa XL plant 28
Hoya revoluta XL plant 22
Hoya rigida XL plant
Hoya rosita ( wayetiixtsangii, DS 70 ) XL plant 25
Hoya rosarioae XL plant 32
Hoya rubida XL plant 32
Hoya rubida PNG 4 ( lamingtonia ) XL plant 32
Hoya ruthie XL plant 32
Hoya sp Sabah GPS-7950 XL plant 36
Hoya samoensis XL plant
Hoya scortechinii ( white flower ) XL plant
Hoya shepherdii XL plant
Hoya siariae red form XL plant 38
Hoya sigillatis XL plant 25
Hoya sigillatis alas river XL plant 32
Hoya sipitangensis XL plant
Hoya soligamiana XL plant 42
Hoya scortechinii ( sp UT001 ) XL plant 32
Hoya Sulawesi sp XL plant 22
Hoya subglabra XL plant
Hoya sunaise XL plant 28
Hoya sussuela XL plant 32
Hoya Sweet Scent XL plant 32
Hoya thomsonii XL plant
Hoya thomsonii long leaf XL plant
Hoya thomsonii spot XL plant
Hoya tomataensis XL plant
Hoya tsangii XL plant 22
Hoya UT011 XL plant 32
Hoya UT033 XL plant 35
Hoya UT039 XL plant 32
Hoya UT049 XL plant 35
Hoya UT158 XL plant 38
Hoya UT168 XL plant 40
Hoya valmayoriana.XL plant 32
Hoya vanuatuensis XL plant
Hoya verticillata XL plant
Hoya verticillata margin varieg XL plant 32
Hoya verticillata varieg XL plant 36
Hoya villosa XL plant
Hoya viola XL plant 32
Hoya vitellina XL plant 32
Hoya vitellinoides XL plant
Hoya wallichii XL plant
Hoya walliniana XL plant 28
Hoya waymaniae XL plant 38
Hoya wayetti XL plant
Hoya waymaniae long leaf XL plant 38
Hoya wibergiae XL plant 32
Allium tuberosum
Hedychium sp Ale 1 12
Alpinia nigra 5
Caladium sp ALE1 3
Caladium sp ALE2 3
Caladium sp ALE3 3
Crinum jagus 15
Crinum lineare 15
Crinum menehune 6
Curcuma Chocolate Zebra 3
Curcuma longa 3
Curcuma roscoeana 3
Eucharis grandiflora 6
Eucrosia bicolor 3
Globba schomburghii 3
Gloriosa superba 3
Haemanthus multiflorus 6
Hippeastrum punicum Big Orange Flower 6
Hippeastrum reticulatum Pink Flower 6
Hymenocallis littoralis 5
Hymenocallis littoralis salose variegata 3
Hymenocallis sp Sip San 5
Pancratium zeylanicum 3
Proiphys amboinensis 8
Sansevieria ALE1 8
Sansevieria ALE2 8
Sansevieria ALE3 8
Zephyranthes grandiflora 3
Zephyranthes rosea 2
Zingiber zerumbet 3
Alpinia galanga whole dried 100 gr 4
Alpinia zerumbet whole dried 100 gr 4
Curcuma longa whole dried root 100 gr 4
Cymbopogon nardus whole dried 100 gr 4
Guava leaves dried 100 gr 6
Kaempferia galangal whole dried 100 gr 5
Moringa oleifera wole leaves dried 100 gr 5
Murdannia loriformis whole leaves dried 100 gr 5
Pandanus amaryllifolius whole leaves dried 100 gr 4
Terminalia catappa whole leaves dried 100 gr 5
Thunbergia laurifolia whole dried 100 gr 5
Tiliacora triandra ( yanang leaf ) whole dried 100 gr 5
Aegle marmelos dried 100 gr 3
Alpinia galanga dried root 100 gr 3
Amorphophallus dried 100 gr 4
Andrographis paniculata dried 100 capsules 9
Angelica dahurica dried 100 gr 9
Angelica levisticum dried 100 gr 9
Acanthus ebracteatus : 100 capsules 9
Aquilaria crassna dried : 100 gr 6
Black pepper : 100 capsules 6
Cardamom dried pods ( Elettaria cardamomum ) : 100 gr 4
Cinnamom dried : 100 gr 3
Citrus hystrix ( Bergamot ) dried : 100 gr 3
Coriander seeds 100 gr 3
Coscinium fenestratum : 100 capsules 5
Curcuma longa dried root 100 gr 3
Curcuma longa : 100 capsules 9
Cymbopogon nardus dried 100 gr 3
Eclipta prostrata 12
Ginkgo biloba dried 100 gr 3
Jasmine flowers dried 100 gr 4
Kaempferia galanga dried 100 gr 4
Lepidium sativum dried 100 gr 4
Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) root slices : 100 gr 4
Lingzhi mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum) dried : 100 gr 17
Lycium barbarum dried : 100 gr 7
Mammea siamensis dried : 100 gr 7
Mesua ferrea dried : 100 gr 7
Mimusops elengi dried : 100 gr 7
Momordica charantia : 100 capsules 12
Momordica grosvenori 4 dried fruits : 100 gr 12
Moringa oleifera : 100 capsules 6
Myristica fragrans ( Nutmeg ) seed dried : 100 gr 5
Myristica fragrans ( Nutmeg ) mace dried : 100 gr 5
Myristica fragrans ( Nutmeg ) whole dried : 100 gr 5
Nelumbo dried : 100 gr 11
Nigella sativa seeds : 100 gr 11
Ocimum sanctum dried : 100 gr 5
Orthosiphon aristatus ( Java tea, Cats Whisker ) : 100 capsules 9
Petroselinum crispum ( Parsley ) seeds 100 gr 5
Phyllanthus emblica dried : 100 gr 3
Piper retrofractum ( Long Pepper ) dried : 100 gr 9
Plumbago indica dried : 100 gr 5
Pogostemon cablin ( Patchouli ) dried : 100 gr 5
Sapium indicum dried : 100 gr 4
Star Anise dried : 100 gr 4
Stevia rebaudiana whole leaves dried : 100 gr 7
Syzygium aromaticum ( Cloves ) dried : 100 gr 16
Thanaka pure powder ( Limonia acidissima bark ) : 100 gr; 6
Terminalia catappa dried leaves : 100 gr 6
Terminalia chebula dried : 100 gr 4
Terminalia citrina dried : 100 gr 4
Terminalia sp dried : 100 gr 4
Thunbergia laurifolia : 100 capsules 12
Tinospora crispa : 100 capsules 9
Trichosanthes cordata dried root : 100 gr 5
Vitex trifolia dried : 100 gr 9
Vitivera zizanioides ( Vetiver ) dried : 100 gr 3
Zaliang dried : 100 gr 17
Zingiber cassumunar rhizome dried : 100 g 4
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Monday, April 27, 2015
It was not fungi that we saw but enlarged and darker Hoya seeds with a visible embryo.
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Germinating Hoya seeds between humid tissue papers in closed zip bags |
Most Hoya seeds germinate quickly in closed zip bags between layers of tissue paper and can grow at least 15 days wrapped in these conditions. After the first days of growth they darken and when looking them through the tissue they seem to be surrounded by dark fungi. If we unwrap them we see that it was not fungi that we saw but enlarged and darker seeds with a visible embryo.
Hoya and other plant collections are for sale on Plant care is available in various posts of this blog. Contact :
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Find all Aleyagarden posts on
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Hoya patella seeds transferred from germination bag onto soil
Hoya patella seeds have been transferred on soil ( clay, charcoal and coco fibre mixed ) from the closed plastic bag where they germinated between humid layers of papers during 15 days.
All the seeds are still alive after 3 days but those that came with the piece of paper they were attached to find the upright position faster. On the picture the blue arrow shows a seed that was removed from the paper, it is not yet in the upright position. The one still attached to its piece of paper is doing better ( the red arrow ),
All the seeds are still alive after 3 days but those that came with the piece of paper they were attached to find the upright position faster. On the picture the blue arrow shows a seed that was removed from the paper, it is not yet in the upright position. The one still attached to its piece of paper is doing better ( the red arrow ),
Hoya and other plant collections are for sale on Plant care is available in various posts of this blog. Contact :
Find all Aleyagarden posts on
Find all Aleyagarden posts on
Sunday, April 12, 2015
Almost all seeds of Hoya UT033 germinate between layers of humid toilet paper.
Aleyagarden has a new packing option for shipping Hoya seeds : some HOYA PATELLA seeds collected during the dry season ( on 26 March ), were packed 2 days later between thick layers of humid toilet paper in a closed zip bag ( no holes ) that was not opened before 13 April ( there was no light at all until this opening ) . There were in total 17 days from harvest to opening. Almost all the seeds germinated while enclosed 15 days in the dark. http:// aleyagarden-hoya-list.blogs more-than-2-weeks-in-humid- bag-almost.html
In an other experiment shown below HOYA UT033 seeds were put between layers of humid paper but there was no bag this time. The paper was regularly hydrated ( the germinating seeds would have dried out if they had not been hydrated ). The result can be seen on the picture : the seeds germinated but they visibly lack water. There are no traces of contamination on the paper.
Hoya, Hoya seeds, Orchid seeds, Ferns, Fern spores and other plant collections are for sale on Plant care is available in various posts of this blog. Contact : Find all Aleyagarden posts on
Almost all the HOYA PATELLA seeds germinated when enclosed 15 days |
In an other experiment shown below HOYA UT033 seeds were put between layers of humid paper but there was no bag this time. The paper was regularly hydrated ( the germinating seeds would have dried out if they had not been hydrated ). The result can be seen on the picture : the seeds germinated but they visibly lack water. There are no traces of contamination on the paper.
Hoya, Hoya seeds, Orchid seeds, Ferns, Fern spores and other plant collections are for sale on Plant care is available in various posts of this blog. Contact : Find all Aleyagarden posts on
hoya germination,
hoya hand pollination,
hoya seeds,
hoya seeds pollination,
hoya thailand seeds
More than 2 weeks in the dark of a closed humid bag, almost all Hoya patella seeds germinate
Some Hoya patella seeds were collected during the dry season on 26 March, packed 2 days later between thick layers of humid toilet paper and put in a closed bag ( no holes were done ) that was opened on 13 April. They had spent 17 days from harvest to the opening.
Almost all the seeds germinated while enclosed 15 days in the humid plastic bag, all this time in the dark
A zip bag, closed |
The layers of paper are still humid despite the relatively dry air ( we are in the dry season, it is hot and there is no rain ) |
The first seed to appear .. |
More germinated seeds appear but the dark spot would indicate a harmful contamination.. |
The condensation inside the zip bag is clearly visible |
Almost all Hoya patella seeds had germinated, they could fight contamination and rot In an other experiment the conditions of time were about similar, the Hoya seeds ( Hoya UT033 ) were sown between layers of paper that maintained them in the dark about 2 weeks but they were not enclosed in a bag : they were hydrated regularly through the watering of the paper. As a result the seeds seem to need water, however on a positive note we can't see any contamination induced by humidity and lack of aeration.
Enclosing Hoya seeds between layers of paper in humid closed zip bags could be an interesting method of shipping as Hoya seeds can dry out before arrival when they are not sown soon after harvest.
Hoya and other plant collections are for sale on Plant care is available in various posts of this blog. Contact :
Find all Aleyagarden posts on |
hoya germination,
hoya hand pollination,
hoya patella seeds,
hoya seeds,
hoya seeds pollination
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